Kim Milone
Kim L. Milone, JD - Mindfulness Based Coach
I'm a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Instructor, who provides Mindfulness-based Coaching and Courses to those who work or lead in regulated "helping" professions, such as law and social work. I frequently speak and write on Compassionate Professionalism and am also available for corporate workshops as well as individual meditation instruction. As a Consultant to various companies and entrepreneurs on operational issues, I am deeply aware of the stress and dysfunction that is so often present in the workplace, and I am deeply committed to normalizing the intentional design of work and non-work harmony in our lives. I am also a certified Alternative Dispute Resolution Professional and am also trained in Non-Violent (Compassionate) Communication and workplace conflict resolution with a special interest in helping companies create healthy workplace cultures.
I am also a long-time practitioner of meditation. My meditation journey began in 1986 in the Zen tradition of concentration meditation. Since then, I have studied a variety of meditation practices and traditions: shamatha, mindfulness of breath; vipassana, clear seeing or “insight”; metta / maitri, lovingkindness; tonglen, transformation; and an innovative combination of those practices in the context of IFS “Parts” work. I’ve also studied and practiced Christian meditation and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
In my coaching and meditation instruction, I combine both depth of practice with practical tools for growth born out of my own lived experiences.
- $299.00$222.00
Self-Study: Bringing Mindfulness to Career Decisions
27 Lessons0 Students